Monday, February 25, 2019

5e Houserule: Throw Range

This house rule adds a calculation to the game which determines how far a character can throw any object which lacks the thrown property. While potentially useful for throwing odd weapons, the feature also grants range for the interaction of "give an item to someone". In essence, as long as the target is in throw range of the item, you can give it to them without moving to be adjacent.

THROW DISTANCE = (STR*Size)-(lb.*5)

Size Class Modifier:
Tiny = 1
Small = 5
Medium = 15
Large = 30
Huge = 40
Gargantuan = 45

To find the actual range of a specific item, you take your maximum range as determined by your strength multiplied by your size class, and deduct the object weight, in pounds, from the distance as if 1 pound is equal to 5ft. A character should have their maximum throw range precalculated, such that only the range reduction from a specific object needs to be calculated.

Monday, February 18, 2019

5e Homebrew Magic Item: Loc Nar

The Loc Nar

Wonderous Item, Artifact

A glowing green gem, about a foot and a half across, and multifaceted with 20 faces. Th loc nar is a transdimensional entity, existing somewhere on every single plane, including the far realm from which it apparently originates. The loc nar instantly kills any living thing that touches it, reducing their physical form to a jell, then energy, which it absorbs. It also absorbs the souls of any creatures it kills. The loc nar has the power to project the souls of those it has killed, either to raise the dead, or to provide temporary immortality.

The loc nar can glow as bright as a torch, but is also capable of reducng its glow to complete darkness, at which point the gem's true color is revealed to be pitch black with no reflective qualities whatsoever, looking like a featurless hole in space.

The loc nar has an evil will of its own, with no apparent goals than to simply absorb all life. Normally silent and benign, if motivated to act, it can communicate telepathically through speech and visions, hover at alarming speeds, and change in size and weight arbitrarily. When stirred into acting independently, it can cast spells as a 20th level sorcerer.

It gifts temporary immortality to anyone who willingly sacrifices living things to it, and can also resurrect the dead to drag further sacrifices into its reach. The loc nar uses a combination of these powers to manipulate events such that it will ultimately consume everyone who encounters it, even those who sought it out and made sacrifices to it. It has no loyalties and no remorse.

For anyone who is willing to make sacrifices to the being, it is possible to form a pact to utilize its power for magical purposes. (The loc nar counts as a great old one) In this situation, the loc nar will project souls it has captured to drive magical effects requested by its warlock. The loc nar will typically only accept one warlock per plane, and will plot that warlock's defeat if a more suitable agent becomes apparent.

The loc nar is threatened only by gods and immortals who derive their deathlessness from some other source. It dreads and hates any creature that can handle it directly without dying, because it has no way of attacking them itself, while they are potentially capable of harming it without fear. It is constantly scheming to find ways to commit deicide.

Very little motivates the loc nar to act on its own, and it spends the vast majority of its time in an inanimate torpor. It is generally only spurned to animation when in the presence of an immortal or god.

Each instance of the loc nar is bound to only one plane. Crossing planar boundaries with a loc nar causes the two instances to combine into one. A loc nar can move to another plane or demiplane that does not have a second instance of itself without harm. The loc nar can use souls it has absorbed to express a new instance of itself on another plane over the course of 24 hours.

It is possible to melt the loc nar, and this has been done several times in the past, but it simply results in the loc nar taking on a liquid quality rather than a solid one. In this liquid state, any additional material added to the loc nar is incorporated into its mass. The loc nar then takes the shape of whatever it solidifies as, which has resulted in some loc nar instances being cast into the form of idols, weapons, and even structures.

Aside from merging instances of the loc nar across planar boundaries, no known method of destroying it completely has been identified, though the loc nar itself has admitted at least once that there is a way.

Creatures killed by the loc nar find their souls trapped in an infinite empty void, the demiplane contained within the loc nar, along with all the souls of every other creature it has ever absorbed from any plane. When the loc nar uses its powers or casts spells, or when a warlock of the loc nar casts a spell, souls are converted into magical essence and expelled from its demiplane, destroying them completely to power the effect.

Monday, February 11, 2019

5e Homebrew Spell: Placebo


1st Level Illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: S, M (Phial of snake oil costing 1gp, consumed by the spell)
Duration: 1 hour
You touch 1 willing creature, rubbing snake oil on their skin. That creature gains 1d8 temporary hit points for the duration of this spell. Additionally, the spell temporarily ends one of the following conditions, Blinded, Deafened, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned, and Stunned. Any conditions ended by Placebo return once the spell has ended, even if those conditions would have ended on their own during the spell's effect.
At Higher Levels. When casting Placebo with a higher level spell slot, increase the temporary hit points gained by 1d6, and cure 1 additional condition, per spell level beyond the first.

Spell Lists:


Monday, February 4, 2019

5e Homebrew Spell: Lichdom

The following spell allows evil aligned player characters to participate in the creation of liches, if they so wish. It is not recommended that characters be allowed to learn this spell through leveling. Instead, it should only be accessible in the form of spellbooks and scrolls owned by liches who were once wizards. A good wizard might find a lich's spellbook, discover this spell is contained, and have it destroyed, while an evil wizard might copy the spell into their spellbook. Neutral wizards might try to preserve, protect, and hide this information. Truly evil wizards might actually cast the spell.

If you do allow players to access and cast this spell, use it to create new villains for future adventures and campaigns. It is, essentially, a fairly expensive way of retiring a PC to create a villainous NPC for the DM to use in the future. It works best in sandbox campaigns where the players are the primary source of action and conflict in an emergent narrative.


9th Lvel Necromancy (Ritual)
Casting Time: 1 Year
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (A small box or container worth 100,000gp, silver worth 1,000gp, and poison mixed with the blood of a sacrificed good-aligned humanoid which is consumed by the spell.)
Duration: 1 Year
The character who casts this spell contacts a powerful entity, likely orcus or some other fiend or god of death or undeath. The caster makes a pact with the entity, at the signing of which the entity delivers the secrets of immortality through undeath. (Work with the player to write up a contract-like pact for their lich to be bound by.) At the end of the casting time, the caster sacrifices a good-aligned humanoid to their phylactery, a box inscribed with silver runes, mix their sacrificial blood with poison, and drink the concoction, dieing immediately. The player then makes a DC15 arcana check. If they succeed, the dead character is then replaced by a lich NPC, as it appears in the Monster Manual. If they fail the check, the dead character is instead replaced by a Boneclaw NPC as they appear in Mordenkainan's Tome of Foes.
Lichdom can be extended for 1 year beyond the end of its current duration by casting the Minimus Containment form of the Imprisonment spell, using the phylactery in the place of a crystal, and keeping the target of that spell imprisoned for at least 24 hours. Casting dispell at 9th level on the phylactery within 24 hours of a creature being trapped in it will release that creature; otherwise, the creature's soul is destroyed by the phylactery, preventing it from being restored to life. The phylactery can contain only 1 creature at a time under the imprisonment spell.
If the phylactery is ever on a different plane than the lich, lichdom immediately ends.
When lichdom ends, the lich decomposes and is replaced with a demilich as it appears in the monster manual.
If the creature casting this spell is a dragon, it instead becomes a dracolich. If lichdom ends for a dracolich, the creature simply dies rather than becoming a demilich.

Spell Lists: