Monday, February 25, 2019

5e Houserule: Throw Range

This house rule adds a calculation to the game which determines how far a character can throw any object which lacks the thrown property. While potentially useful for throwing odd weapons, the feature also grants range for the interaction of "give an item to someone". In essence, as long as the target is in throw range of the item, you can give it to them without moving to be adjacent.

THROW DISTANCE = (STR*Size)-(lb.*5)

Size Class Modifier:
Tiny = 1
Small = 5
Medium = 15
Large = 30
Huge = 40
Gargantuan = 45

To find the actual range of a specific item, you take your maximum range as determined by your strength multiplied by your size class, and deduct the object weight, in pounds, from the distance as if 1 pound is equal to 5ft. A character should have their maximum throw range precalculated, such that only the range reduction from a specific object needs to be calculated.

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