Monday, January 7, 2019

5e AP: Waterdeep Campaign

So, the D&D team at WotC has managed to publish a large collection of highly versatile adventures all set in Waterdeep. I've been reading through these adventures, and I have come to a realization: THIS IS A CAMPAIGN. In the spirit of one day actually running a waterdeep campaign composed of official modules, I am putting together an Adventure Path. An AP is an old fashioned way of describing a framework that controls the order in which official modules will be played in a campaign. Without further ado, here is the adventure path.

0. Sword Coast Adventurers Guide

You will need this for flavor content. The adventures are all set in the Sword Coast of Faerun. Having this information will allow you to run adventures in the setting more easily, and will add context to the setting of the city. Since many of the adventures in this AP are set all across the Sword Coast, you'll need that to manage their travel around the wilderness between adventure sites- most of this is dungeon crawling.

1. Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

This module is listed first because it has all of the content about the city. It is the root of your campaign. You will use this as the foundation for all the rest of the books. It is, effectively, your campaign guide. It also includes a major adventure starting at 1st level and taking characters to 5th. From here, we will be adding other adventures. Set the characters in the city, have them living at the Yawning Portal as guests. Give them free reign to move around the city a bit, but make sure they live at the YP to deliver adventure seeds.

2. Starter Set: Lost Mine of Phandelver

This is added as a secondary optional adventure. Simply place Gundren in the YP and make up some other minor chore-adventures to introduce him to the players before he delivers the quest hook, "Meet Me In Phandalin". This gives players a secondary option to get to level 5.

3. Tales From The Yawning Portal

This adventure seeds the YP with 7 new adventure, scaling up in player level. Seed the YP with The Sunless Citadel for 1st level players. This is an optional minor adventure to introduce players to the game. Also seed it with The Forge of Fury. This is a third option to carry players to 5th level. As the party reaches higher APLs, simply seed the higher tier adventures into the YP. Seed The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan at 5th level as an optional adventure for that tier of play. Seed White Plume Mountain at level 8. Add Dead in Thay at 9th level. Throw in Against the Giants at level 11. Finally, add in a seed for Tomb of Horrors at level 15-ish.

4. DDAL06-1 A Thousand Tiny Deaths

Add this in as an alternative way to begin Forge of Fury for 1st level characters.

5. DDAL06-2 The Redemption of Kelvan

Add this in at the same time as White Plume Mountain at 5th level as an alternative seed to White Plume Mountain.

6. DDAL06-3 Crypt of the Death Giants

Add this in at level 17 as an expansion for Against the Giants, to cap that story off.

7. Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

Add this in at 1st level. Undermountain is added to the YP. If the players decide to delve undermountain, start running this dungeon crawl. It is always available, but people in the bar will laugh at them for trying it under 5th level.

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