Monday, May 27, 2019

5e Homebrew: Monster: Snot

So, I was playing Dungeons 3 on my new XBox One, and man oh man, is it ever fun! So fun, in fact, that it got me thinking about just how much I love building dungeons as a DM!

As a little bit of silly fun, I decided to make up a statblock of the snot. (Snots are the mooks/minions who do all the manual labor in your dungeon in Dungeons 3.)


Small humanoid (Snot), lawful evil

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 10 (2d10)
Speed 35ft., Burrow 5ft.

STR 10 (+0) (LE 50lb / HE 100lb / EL 150lb / PDL 300lb) (LJ 10ft / HJ 13ft)
DEX 10 (+0)
CON 10 (+0)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 10 (+0)

Skills. Brewer's Supplies, Carpenter's Tools, Mason's Tools, Smith's Tools, Tinker's Tools
Senses. darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 10
Languages. Deep Speech, Goblin, Undercommon
Challenge. 0 (10xp)


Slave Labor. Snots count as 1 size larger for the purposes of determining carrying capacity.

Heart Bound. Snots always know the current location and condition of the dungeon heart that spawned them.

Soulless. Spells that refer to or manipulate souls have no effect on snots, as they do not have souls.


Punch. +2 to hit. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.


Snots are insane and bizarre monsters born from an evil magic construct called a dungeon heart. Snots are tiny, round-bellied creatures with stumpy limbs and large noses. They have green skin and vaguely resemble a mixture between a goblin and a gnome. Snots are naturally born into slavery, and are perfectly happy that way, believing their only purpose is to sacrifice their lives in abject obedience. That said, snots are abject cowards and will flee at the slightest danger, fighting only as is absolutely necessary to reaCh escape. The only exception to this fear is their love for the dungeon heart that spawned them. If anything attacks or threatens their dungeon heart, the snots know immediately and will converge on the threat. Snots are happiest toiling away at dangerous and exhausting work in the service of whatever evil power brought them into existence. Snot anatomy is unusual, in that they lack a heart to circulate blood.

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