Monday, June 3, 2019

D&D 5e Adventure Building By The Book

The following is an experiment in building an entire campaign using the encounter building rules and adventuring day system in the DMG. I will be using Kobold Fight Club to generate encounters at random to save myself time.

The idea is that I generate the encounters first, then write justification for how these creatures are a threat together and how the encounter might be resolved, and then justify the entire chain with an overarching narrative.

The general process works like this:

1. Get your adventuring day budget.
2. Divide it into 3 chunks representing the encounter budget per rest. The first two budgets end with a short rest. The last budget for the day ends with a long rest.
3. Generate random encounters of varying difficulty per budget until you meet or pass the budget for that section. (Keeping in mind that only actual XP is awarded to players and counts toward this budget; adjusted XP is for determining encounter threat only.)
4. Fill the day until you meet the total budget for the adventuring day.
5. Divide the budget between four PCs, record their current total xp, and determine what their level will be at the end of that day. Assume the party levels up on a long rest if they can.
6. Begin next day.

I will only be planning the first level of play. Once I have reached that point, I will go back and write explanations for the gobbledy-gook the randomizer spat out.

Once I have all that, I'll insert optional encounters that the party may or may not decide to pursue based on the encounters they've already experienced.

Then, to make the adventure less linear, I will create alternative routes the party can take, changing a section of encounters to a different series. For example, marching straight through a forest rather than walking along the winding road.

Finally, I will determine treasure rewards based on the guidelines in the DMG.

Level 1

The party begins on the road. They are travelling together for reasons up to the players to determine. They are on their way to a small frontier village in search of opportunity and fortune.

A Rock and a Hard Place
Badger x2
Giant Crab x2
(While traveling, the party finds themselves pinched between two drangerous wildlife. The two crabs are a large variety of land crab. They are both males who are sparring for territory when the party disturbs them. Behind the party is a breeding pair of badgers who are searching to make a new burrow who arrive shortly after the first round of combat.)

Lurking Evil
Chitine x1
(This chitine is lurking at the roadside and traps unwary travelers for food and goods. It tries to kidnap one person at a time using stealth.)

Ice Breaker
Giant Frog x1
Pony x1
Tribal Warrior x1
(The warrior is riding on the pony. The giant frog is its animal companion; it is a ranger. While the tribal warrior is inclined to try and capture the party as slaves, it recognizes it is outnumbered and can be reasoned with if its surprise attack goes wrong. He tries to take just 1 hero. If any of the party are small size, he sends his giant frog to swallow them and then flees. Otherwise, he simply tries to grapple someone, drag them onto his pony, and ride away. The players may attempt a rescue of their comrade if they flopped this encounter.)

Hammer Time
Giant Owl x2
Tribal Warrior x2
(More of the slaver tribesmen. These ones are riding on giant owls and are nowhere near as inclined to talk it out. If the party spared the previous warrior, these two may pass the party over out of respect. They swoop down and grab 1 party member each, the giant eagles making a grapple check to do so, and leave if they can. If the party already destroyed the slaver camp, these two are out for revenge.)

OPTIONAL: Rescue captured party members.
Commoner x5
Tribal Warrior x4
(If any of the party were captured by the tribal warriors, the remaining heroes may attempt to give chase. The captured hero might attempt an escape. The party can use stealth to break the captive out, they can try to murder the whole camp, or they can bargain for the release of the captives at a price of 100gp worth of livestock each.)

The party happens upon an ancient ruin of a stone farm house, mostly collapsed. In the center of the building is a large stone table surrounded by stone chairs. This is a good place for a short rest.

Short Rest @ 420xp

On Second Thought
Giant Poisonous Snake x2
Twig Blight x2
(The party is actually in the middle of an evil druid's lair and are attacked by the guardians: twig blights riding on giant snakes!)

(Challenge 0-4 Treasure Horde. These are a collection of wealth left behind by the druid, and the reason for the guards.)

Highway Boys
Bandit x2
Commoner x3
Mastiff x1
(A group of rag-tag criminals ambush the party. The two bandits are the leaders, professional highwaymen. The rest are novices who just started turning to crime and fell under their sway. The mastiff belongs to one of the bandits. They are desperate for money and food, but are otherwise only dangerous if the party initiates conflict. They'll let the party pass if they refuse to pay, but they will follow in secret and rob the players when they take a long rest.)

True Nature
Abyssal Wretch x1
Pseudodragon x1
Xvart Speaker x2
(The abyssal wretch is a former xvart. The two speakers are from two different local bands of xvarts, and have been working together to track down the wretch. The wretxh was accidentally created when the Xvarts failed to summon Raxivort and instead summoned a Rutterkin by accident. One of them is a warlock and has a pseudodragon familiar. The party will find the wretch mercilessly attacking the two foolish leaders. If the party rescues the xvarts, they then try to con the party into paying them, or if that fails, try to rob the party using guile and misdirection.)

OPTIONAL: Reclamation
(If the Xvarts successfully conned or robbed the party after being rescued, the players may be rightly interested in reclaiming their property. The stolen wealth is divided evenly between two small settlements of Xvarts. Repeat this encounter for each half of the stolen stuff.)

Now in a swampy/forested area, the party finally finds a dry and sturdy open space to rest in.

Short Rest @ 405xp

It's How You Play The Game
(At dusk the party encounters a will-o-wisp. It attempts to trick the players into falling off a 30ft cliff into a sheltered ravine.)

(Challenege 0-4 Treasure Horde. This is all just stuff laying with the remains of the wisp's former victims.)

After their brush with evil, as the sun nears the horizon, the players finally arrive in the village.

Town Details:
Race Relations: Harmony
Ruler's Status: Feared Tyrant
Notable Traits: Center of trade for one specific good
Known for its patriotism
Current calamity: Marauding monsters

Long Rest @ 450xp

Total: 1275/1200xp (400xp/R)

Each character gets 318xp. They are now at 318 xp and are 2nd level.

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